Le Meridien New Delhi ushers in the celebration by unveiling ‘zero waste’ Christmas Tree

Let us celebrate with a hope and wish for a brighter tomorrow for the world. The festival of Christmas is synonymous with happiness, cheer and festivity. A time to express love & gratitude, time to reward & recognize and time to renew & dream of new beginnings and aspirations.

Never before in the history of mankind, the world had together prayed for a brighter tomorrow. With this hope, we build our Christmas celebrations with an infallible commitment towards a sustainable, bright and happier future.

We commence our celebrations with a customary lighting of our Christmas Tree in the hotel lobby. Our Christmas Tree is a narrative of our strong belief and hope that our tomorrow will be happier, better, safer and healthier.

The Tree installation is a creative structure built with a 15 feet tall stack of re-used vegetable crates. The styling of the blocks of crates forms an elegant tree. Our initiative is to build a better future by reducing the waste, and reusing our vegetable crates artistically and making the tree from recyclable object , symbolic of our resolve towards building a brighter tomorrow.

The structure, glowing in the vibrant hues of Christmas lights, will uplift your mood and evoke a positive sense of celebration this festive season. In addition to this, our Christmas celebrations extend an invitation to young and upcoming Artists.

The Tree is surrounded with inspiring and diverse form of Artworks by young artists. Curated by a young and talented Artist, Nehmat Mongia, the exhibition will open with our Christmas festivities, with a hope to encourage and recognise these young artists.

We urge you participate in the viewing; the exhibition will be presented from December 15-30. The artists have volunteered to contribute 50% of the funds raised to support Joining Hands- a non profit organization that works in the field of skill development for youth from humble background.