Lady Chauffeur now at Indore Marriott Hotel

The Indore Marriot Hotel has always taken special care of the female guests. Keeping this in mind, Indore Marriot Hotel has arranged special female chauffeur to make the travel even more comfortable for those women who are traveling alone. The hotel has 6 female chauffeur, all of them are professionally trained and are working well. The female guest is also comfortable with the female chauffeur. The guests who visit the hotel also appreciate this initiative of Indore Marriott Hotel. Sandeep Kaul, Room division manager of Indore Marriott Hotel said that “Indore Marriot Hotel is the only hotel in Central India where female chauffeur are working, our purpose is to ensure that the guest coming in hotel should get a comfortable accommodation. Also, the female chauffer working in the hotel are less educated and belongs to the poor families, we are providing them a respected job. “