HTNG includes Harish Chandra, CTO of Sarovar Hotels as part of its Board of Governors

Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG) is recognized as the leading voice of the global hospitality community, articulating the technology requirements of hospitality companies of all sizes to the vendor community. HTNG facilitates the development of technology models for hospitality that will foster innovation, improve the guest experience, increase the effectiveness and efficiency of hospitality companies and create a healthy ecosystem of technology suppliers.

Speaking on the same, Chandra said, “I am honoured to be part of the august forum of HTNG Board of Governors. This will give me an opportunity to deliberate further on key issues faced by industry leaders to help improve technology for the hospitality industry. I hope to work in the interest of hospitality industry by bringing up technology challenges faced by them and seeking solutions for the same. I would especially want to thank Michael Blake CEO and David Sjolander COO of HTNG for this opportunity and through this I hope to be able to help bridge technology related gaps for the hotels in India and other countries in South Asia”

Hospitality Technology Next Generation is a global not-for-profit trade association that fosters, through collaboration and partnership among hospitality professionals and technology providers, the development of next-generation solutions that will enable them to do business globally in the 21st century.

HTNG is run by and for the benefit of hospitality IT executives, with active support from technology providers and other industry participants. It is governed by a Board of Governors consisting of senior IT executives from 22 leading hospitality companies, with nonvoting participation by Executive Advisors from the hospitality, consulting, and academic community. The commitment of these industry leaders is reflected in the fact that Governors and Advisors serve without compensation and pay their own travel expenses to attend several board meetings and events around the world each year.

To ensure vendor neutrality in overall direction and policy, only full-time hospitality IT executives may serve on the Board of Governors. Other industry participants, however, have full voting rights in HTNG’s day-to-day activities, and may also serve in an advisory capacity to the Board.