HRAWI appreciates the decision to keep Mumbai restaurants open till 11:30pm

In Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India’s (HRAWI) meeting with the Mumbai Municipal Commissioner, the BMC has granted restaurants in the city the permission to remain open until 11:30 pm. Post the lift on lockdown, restaurants were allowed to operate only up till 10 pm. However, in their recent meeting among other concerns, delegates of the HRAWI impressed upon the Commissioner the reasons for permitting restaurants to operate for extended timings. The restaurant industry has welcomed the decision and the HRAWI has thanked the Chief Minister – Shri Uddhav Thackeray, the State Minister of Tourism and Environment – Shri Aaditya Thackeray, and especially, the Municipal Commissioner – Shri Iqbal Singh Chahal.

“Most Mumbaikars work late into the evening and can make it to a restaurant only after 8 pm or 9 pm. Also, restaurants are trying to recover after almost seven months of remaining completely shut for dine-in. This extension will definitely encourage Mumbaikars to dine-out and give restaurants a chance to recover and serve its customers better,” says Sherry Bhatia, President, HRAWI.

“Even during our recent meeting, he was receptive, immediately understood our concerns and assured his support. He backed the industry’s cause to enable it to ride through this most difficult period. The delegation also highlighted other issues including seeking permission to serve in adjacent and attached open spaces and, about the delayed payments to hotels requisitioned by BMC for almost seven months. The Commissioner has assured us that he will look into all the issues and try to resolve them at the earliest,” says Gurbaxish Singh Kohli, immediate Past President & spokesperson HRAWI.