Hilton Garden Inn Gurgaon Baani Square reopens with new norms

Hilton Garden

Hilton Garden Inn Gurgaon Baani Square reopened their first All-Day-Dining outlet last month in accordance with the norms put forth by WHO along with the all new menu for a brighter and better experience to each guest. An introduction of the 3 course set meal allows you to experience our specially curated delicacies. Choose a dish from a starter/soup /sandwiches and make a choice from Asian/ Western/ Indian mains along with 1 Dessert to end your delightful meal.

Glasshouse is a multi-cuisine outlet situated at the lobby level of the hotel and surrounded by lush green patches. The outlet serves up a selection of hearty meals from local to international cuisines. To ensure the guest safety, various measures that are taken at the property includes: – Wearing of masks and gloves by each team member, seating rearrangement is done to maintain a distance of minimum 2 meters, physical menus are replaced with contactless menus with the barcode scanning code at each table, high quality wipes are provided instead of cloth napkins and the tables shall not be preset like before are amongst the few changes that the outlet embraced.

With regards to the new set meal, Chef Manoj Rawat says that we have designed an elaborate global menu where we have everything for everyone and that we are sourcing the best and freshest ingredients possible following all hygiene protocols.

Jai Chugh, the General Manager of Hilton Garden Inn, Gurgaon Baani square says that we are ready to welcome our esteemed guests with extreme care and precautions and we are confident to enhance the guest experience with the warmth of Hilton hospitality.