HRANI requests Delhi govt to adjust the excise license fee for next quarter

HRANI extended gratitude to Delhi Government for allowing bars to operate including opening up other activities vide the DDMA order no 442 dated 20-06-2021. Writing to the government in regard to Excise Circular No.F.2 (111)/Ex/HCR/ Renewal/2021- 22/46 & 47 Dated 11-06-2021, the letter by HRANI states that, “As per the circular licensees have been asked to pay the full fee for the quarter 1.7.2021 to 30.09.2021 and Adjustments have been made for those who had paid the entire fee for 2020-21 in one single instalment. In this regard, we would like to put up a few points for your consideration.”

The apex body has further stated that the licensees had already paid the full fee for the first quarter from 1.4.2021 to 30.6.2021. However, the licenses were utilized for only the first 15 days due to lockdown / closure as per DDMA order 373 dated 15-4-2021.

The liquor service has now been permitted from 21-06-2021 vide the latest DDMA order no 442 dated 20-06- 2021. Therefore, for the current quarter, excise licenses will be utilised only for 25 days (first 15 days in April and last 10 days in June). However, licensees had already paid the full fee for this entire quarter. The present opening up of dining in/a liquor service is still with restrictions on seating/operating hours.

“At this stage, therefore, it is reiterated that the industry is in no position to pay for the entire fee for next quarter, and the amount as already paid for the unutilised period of 66 days of first-quarter needs to be adjusted,” the industry body has said.