73% Indians want to merge leisure & work travel: Airbnb

An overwhelming 73 percent of Indian travelers are looking at an expanded definition of ‘business travel’ – from traveling for business, to travelling for leisure while working remotely, according to a new research commissioned by Airbnb. While 87 percent of Indians are now planning to work while travelling/living elsewhere, 48 percent of Indian travelers see travel as an integrated part of their life. The research demonstrates a shift towards an increased demand for flexible travel, nearby stays, and longer trips that allow guests to combine work and leisure – and ultimately, to live anywhere.

Indians are also embracing hosting as a means of generating income and helping to funnel much needed tourism earnings into their local communities. Across India, 44 percent of travelers would prefer to rent their home and travel either full time or part time sharing type accommodation formats. To support hosts and guests through these changes, Airbnb has unveiled 50+ upgrades and innovations. “For Airbnb, 2021 has been a year of relentless innovation to refine our core service,” said Brian Chesky, CEO and Co-Founder of Airbnb. “This year we’ve delivered more than 150 upgrades and innovations. Our design-driven approach means that we’re constantly improving our service to adapt to this changing world. For the first time ever, millions of people can now travel anytime, anywhere, for any length, and even live anywhere on Airbnb. This is a travel revolution.”