Waive off late licence fee penalty: Travel and Tourism Association of Goa

In a bid to boost charter flights to Goa, Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) has urged Airports Authority of India (AAI) to waive off a penalty in case of delayed arrivals and refund the deposit. AAI is charging a slotting fee/penalty of Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 from charter operators for delays caused by weather and operating conditions in its place of origin. TTAG feels that this deposit for slot charging fee/penalty needs to be withdrawn.

“We have no issue in keeping a slot deposit to safeguard against the possibility of operators blocking slots and not utilising them. However, in other countries there is no such rule. On the contrary, charter operators are given subsidies/incentives as they bring huge groups of tourists whereas we don’t offer any schemes. At least charter airlines should not be imposed a fine for any delay in arrival,” Savio Messias, President, TTAG.

TTAG also urged AAI that slots be finalised and allocated before the commencement of the charter season. “Historically we used to operate from 8.30 am to 1pm, but last season, this facility was withdrawn by AAI and we faced difficulties. We request that the 8.30-1pm slot be reinstated for the smooth operation of charter flights and domestic slots should start from 1pm. This would go a long way to avoid mixing up of passengers,” the association president said.

There were also some hiccups at the international terminal pointed out by TTAG claiming that only 13-14 desks for e-visas out of 20 are serviceable. “Sometimes even out of those in service, only 7-8 are serviceable, due to shortage of staff,” TTAG submitted.