Switzerland Tourism re-launches Million Stars Hotel project

STAR BASE in Sternenberg in der Nacht

Switzerland Tourism has re-launched its Million Stars Hotel project. The Million Stars Hotel offering features “hotel rooms” dotted throughout Switzerland, where guests can experience nature in its purest form – and in an entirely exclusive location meant for two. The kinds of accommodation on offer are as varied as their locations. But what they all have in common is an unobstructed view of the starry night sky.

The 2021 Million Stars Hotel project includes 50 or so accommodation options that can be found in all Swiss language regions and in 12 tourist regions. Each room offers a direct view of the starry sky from the comfort of the guest’s bed. Of the 50 or so hotel rooms from 2020, two-thirds were included again this year, while the remaining third are entirely new to the Million Stars Hotel project. Almost 40 new accommodation proposals were submitted by tourism providers across Switzerland.

The Million Stars Hotels’ offering will remain open until the end of October 2021 (depending on altitude). Room prices range from CHF 80 to around CHF 1,300 per night for two people, including breakfast.