Storii by ITC Hotels to add 5 properties

ITC Hotels announces signing 5 boutique properties under the new brand, Storii by ITC Hotels. The brand has already opened doors for guests with Storii Goa and Storii Dharmashala. With the addition of three more boutique properties in Sirmour, Solan and Kufri, it will further strengthen its footprints in Himachal Pradesh. Highlighting the exponential growth of leisure travel in India in the last two years, Anil Chadha, Divisional Chief Executive, ITC Hotels says, “Post-pandemic, the domestic traveller has not only explored destinations in India but also realised how much more there is to see and do in India. At ITC Hotels, we analysed the changing trends and recognized the demand for a boutique, experiential offering. Storii by ITC Hotels caters to this segment in a way that attracts the discerning traveller who is looking for unique accommodation and comfort without having to worry about consistency and quality of service.”