RARE 2.0 to encourage travellers to explore the world around them through the lens of sustainability

RARE India has responded by unveiling RARE 2.0 with a pledge to urge the travel community to explore differently and redefine its narrative for luxury and experiences – one that is people sensitive and planet-friendly yet where service quality and transformative travel is a given.

As part of its responsible tourism agenda under RARE 2.0, the organization has launched its new website and logo, which symbolize RARE India’s commitment towards conscious and mindful travel where luxury is redefined as experiences beyond excesses, stays that are sustainable and regenerative. Speaking about her vision for RARE 2.0 and the newly launched website, RARE India’s Founder Shoba Mohan said, “For the longest time choices for hotels, lodges and boutique stays have been based on their price points and excesses that passed off as luxury. Every popular destination has suffered the consequences of placing the needs of the traveller’s demands without a thought to the integrity of the destination and the effects of unchecked tourism on its culture and environment. The community of hotels promoted under RARE India is designed to uphold the cultural and environmental integrity of the destination by engaging visitors in experiences to celebrate its people, diversity, cultural richness, authenticity, and natural beauty. In destinations that are culturally fragile and are on the fringes of pristine natural habitats, travellers are urged to understand and participate in its preservation thus creating exceptional transformations.”