InDeco Leisure Hotels makes profit amidst COVID, owing to locals and weddings

Steve Borgia, CMD, INDeco Leisure Hotels, has said that by cutting the costs and by getting local guests and weddings at the hotels, they have been able to make profit in the month of June. “From 120 employees, we ran our hotels with 15 people. We reduced the cost by 15. We ran many programmes to attract locals and did weddings with gathering of 50 people. The cost of the room was decreased from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 2000. In June, our aim was to earn the salaries, but we managed to make a profit of 2.5 lakh. We targeted that in July we will be able to earn our expenses, and in August we will make do our previous losses. We will be able to do much better, as we have understood the pandemic better and have learned to live with it better,” he shared.