Bombay Catering Association seeks help

Bombay Caterers Association (BCA) has sought regulations from the government for the survival of the wedding industry that has been severely impacted by Covid 19. According to Yogesh Chandarana, President, Bombay Caterers Association since there has been absolutely no business since the last one year, the industry has been completely crippled and hence everyone is expecting some direction from the Government for the further course of action.

Highlighting some important points, Lalit Jain, Spokesperson at Bombay Caterers Association, said, “There is a huge misconception of the spread of virus due to weddings which is not correct. Logically, nowadays, industries similar to this like restaurants are allowed to operate at 50% capacity, hotels are allowed to operate at 100% capacity, resorts conducting wedding are allowed to operate at 100% capacity and tourism are allowed to operate 100% capacity. Similarly, buses and trains are so congested with multiple rotations of people and no sanitisation is done in between. Then why the number of people is restricted in only weddings, where there is always sanitisation done between two events, details of guests can be very easily maintained and the chances for the spread of the virus is logically and actually very low as compared to other industries.”

“It is our demand to allow us to conduct functions like other industries with a number of guests according to the size of venues. The authorities have given some relief for restaurants and malls. In normal conditions, the area covered per person is 8 to 10 square feet per person. We request the authorities to raise this limit to 20-25 square feet per person and accordingly, raise the total number of guests directly proportional to the area of the premises and request the government to treat them at par with other industries” adds Lalit Jain

Satish Kamat, Secretary at Bombay Caterers Association says “In recent times we have met many officials including MPs, Commissioners and Mayor. We got assurance from everyone but no implementation has been done till now. We sincerely hope that the authorities come out with a separate rule set for this industry as early as possible. The revival of this wedding industry will give an immediate boost to the economy as various other industries are dependent on it”.