600 hotels apply to avail “industrial rates” in Maharashtra

In a move to bolster the hospitality sector in the state, DoT – Govt. of Maharashtra has now begun an official procedure for non-classified hotels to avail industrial concessions. Under this procedure, an expert committee formed by DoT will inspect the hotels and assess them on a number of parameters set by the government. Speaking about the process for accreditation, Dr. Dhananjay D. Sawalkar, Jt. Director, Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra, says, “We are giving five kinds of benefits to the hoteliers – electricity duty, water charges, property tax, non-agriculture tax, and development charges. So far, we have received 600 applications from various hotels and will now start physically inspecting these hotels in all regions. The certificate to avail ‘industrial rates’ will be accorded only after a hotel is able to meet all the parameters clearly listed on the website. In case any hotel is not able to qualify, we will allow time to work upon the weak areas so that the hotel is fully able to comply with the norms.” The certification process for industry status will help hotels avail tariffs and duties on electricity, water, property, development, and non-agricultural taxes at industrial rates.