UNWTO recognises RateGain’s ‘Smart Distribution’ to help tourism industry


United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has recognised RateGain’s ‘Smart Distribution’ as a solution that helps the industry in ‘Healing for Prosperity’ in its recent initiative where over 1,300 companies participated from over 110+ countries. RateGain’s AI-powered distribution offering is aimed to help enterprise as well as independent and smaller hotel chains who are bound by cost and resources. Smart Distribution is acknowledged for applying disruptive technology, to help the hospitality industry get access to real-time analytics and save cost overheads by analysing channels and finding new demand, expediting the recovery of the hospitality industry in a COVID-economy.

UNWTO called on tech innovators from around the world to share disruptive solutions to help the industry as well as address the Sustainable Development Goals 3,8,9, and 17 identified for Well-being, Economic Growth, Innovation, and Partnership. As per UNWTO, ‘Smart Distribution’ helps in demand recovery, revenue management, and economic growth.

The hospitality and tourism sector has been among the hardest hit by COVID outbreak. Hospitality today faces a truly unprecedented challenge that has brought the industry to a grinding halt and made it difficult for the 3 million hotels across the world to welcome guests. Today, more than 70% of the hotels do not belong to a large chain and are certain to face multiple challenges in getting the demand back as well as managing costs.

Smart Distribution caters to the shortcomings of the hotel distribution journey by making each of the involved steps smarter. It helps in solving the unsolved pain points of the hospitality distribution journey with a simple vision of helping hotels generate more revenue & simplify distribution for them.

Speaking on the occasion, Harmeet Singh, CEO- RateGain said, “It has always been our endeavour to develop path-breaking solutions that could make a difference in the lives of businesses and individuals. The pandemic has uprooted many enterprises since it made its way onto the global economy. It is an honour that our unrelenting efforts have come to fruition and are recognised by the UNWTO. As a company focused on solving revenue maximisation challenges through innovation, we are committed to helping the hospitality industry tackle the challenge of insufficient resources, and limited real-time knowledge on demand partners to help them generate the best RoI and maximise bookings.”