Advani Hotels & Resorts’ revenue doubles in Q4, 2021

Advani Hotels & Resorts has reported a total net revenue of Rs 2529 Lakh in Q4, 2021. This is a sizable jump compared to Q4, 2020 when it reported revenue of Rs 1234 Lakhs. The big numbers, which are double of what the company had last year in the same quarter, come despite the adverse impact of Covid-19 on the hospitality industry and the subsequent decline in the number of international tourists visiting Goa. The company calls its latest Q4 the best quarter in its history. In Q4, 2021, the properties operated by the company witnessed 82.4% average occupancy in the month of October. It rose up to 87.3% in December. In its announcement detailing financial performances, the company also says that it now stands virtually debt-free.